The Holy Spirit Gives Us Help


Spirit, make yourself known to us today.


“But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth; for he will not speak on his own initiative, but whatever he hears, he will speak; and he will disclose to you what is to come.” John 16:13

“And now, behold, bound by the Spirit, I am on my way to Jerusalem, not knowing what will happen to me there.” Acts 20:22


Yesterday, we took time to remind ourselves of God’s faithfulness to provide the tools and opportunities to carry out the mission that Jesus gave us: to love like he did. But how can we know what to do with those tools and opportunities? How can we be sure that we are taking the right steps with what Jesus has asked us to do and what God has given us to do it?

Have you ever felt especially led to do something and couldn’t shake the feeling? Have you ever found yourself with wisdom that you couldn’t explain? Have you ever felt a gut-check about something and didn’t feel quite right about being involved with it? Have you ever been overwhelmed by the number of hurting people in our world?

It is important to pay attention to moments like these because the Holy Spirit is with us to guide us and give us an authoritative voice as we carry out the mission we’ve been given. The Spirit will urge us to move when we threaten to stay still and will rein us in when we try to get ahead of ourselves (and God). The Spirit will give us words when we have none and it will stir our hearts in the areas where we are called to act.


The Spirit empowers us and gives us guidance to help us do what we are called to do. Reflect on the times you’ve felt the Spirit guiding you. Have you fought against those promptings or leaned into them and seen the Spirit at work in your life? Spend time this week looking for these moments and trying to tune your heart and mind to recognize when the Spirit is working.


Spirit, help us recognize your movement in our lives and empower us to respond correctly.