
God doesn’t want something from you; He wants something for you. He wants more than you could ask for or imagine, and we do, too! We want you to be financially free.

Give Now

Why Do We Give?

Money and church can be touchy issues, but they don’t have to be! The motivation for giving isn’t because God or the church needs our money. Giving is central to faith in God. We give because it demonstrates we truly trust God and because God asks us to give. He wants to be the top priority in our lives and asks us to trust Him with everything—including money!
If you call Pathway Church your home, we encourage you to give generously knowing that your money supports the mission of Jesus Christ in your local community and around the world.

Ways to Give at Pathway

  • Online Giving
  • Campus Giving
  • Text-to-Give
  • Non-Cash Gifts
  • Online giving is easy and secure.

    You can give by a electronic check or with a debit or credit card. You can schedule gifts, review your giving, and update your contact information.

    Give Online
  • You can make your gifts in person using cash, checks, or debit/credit cards.

    Each weekend, during the Time of Giving you can give several different ways. You can give by personal check, by debit or credit card, or you can place cash in an offering envelope with your name and address. These options enable us to send you a quarterly receipt. Envelopes are located in the Worship Center, at the Info Desk, or your campus’ office.
    Give at your Campus
  • Texting is an easy and secure way to give.

    On your smartphone, send a text with the campus you attend and amount you want to give (example: westlink 50) to (844) 335-3444. If this is your first time using Text-to-Give, you’ll be asked to complete a one-time form safely linking your card to your phone number.
    If you ever need help, just send a question mark (example: ?) to the same number, (844) 335-3444 and you will be sent helpful tips as well as a link to change your account information.
  • You you can also donate non-cash gifts like stocks, bonds, & mutual funds

    • • Gift Annuities and Charitable Trusts: instead of writing checks directly you can experience a simpler, smarter way to support Pathway and multiply your impact.
    • Marketable Securities: transfer ownership of your stocks, bonds, or mutual fund shares
    • • Planned Gifts: give via retirement assets, bequests, trusts, etc. as part of your overall personal financial estate strategy.
    Always consult your tax/financial advisor before making a significant non-cash gift.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Pathway Church is firmly committed to good stewardship of funds entrusted to us. If you ever have any questions about our finances or how we handle your gifts, please call the Central Services Finance Team at or (316) 722-8020.

    • When will my automatic contribution be deducted and how often?

      When you schedule your giving, you can specify whether you want to make a one-time, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or quarterly gift. You can set up as many schedules as you would like.

    • What forms of payment do you accept?

      We accept checking and savings bank accounts, as well as Mastercard, Visa, Discover, and American Express.

    • Can I contribute to a specifc fund or project?

      No. We currently operate under a one-fund model which supports our entire church budget; from ministry, to operations, to outreach.

    • Can I view my giving history?

      Yes! You can view your giving history (all weekend service and online gifts) by following these simple steps:

      1. Sign in (or sign) up by clicking "Login" at the top right hand corner of this page.
      2. Enter your self-created username and password, or create an account.
      3. After you are logged in, click your name in the upper right, and select "Giving History."

    • How can I stop my online giving amount or frequency?

      1. Sign in (or sign) up by clicking "Login" at the top right hand corner of this page.
      2. Enter your self-created username and password, or create an account.
      3. After you are logged in, click your name in the upper right, and select "Recurring Giving."

    • How can I change my online giving banking or credit card account?

      You cannot edit a saved bank or credit card account number. You will need to delete your current online giving profile and set up a new profile with the correct bank or credit card information:

      1. Sign in (or sign) up by clicking "Login" at the top right hand corner of this page.
      2. Enter your self-created username and password, or create an account.
      3. After you are logged in, click your name in the upper right, and select "My Account."
      4. In the menu to the right, select "Payment Accounts."