Shine: Week 1 - Day 5


Heavenly Father, I choose to be on your team. Use me for your Kingdom. Amen

READ: John 15-7 (NIV)

“If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.”


As we seek out the lost and help guide them to Christ, remember, it is not only our efforts but the work of the Holy Spirit who brings them to the understanding of who Jesus is and what he has done for them. Keep focused that we are a team. Jesus did not send us on this mission alone. He sent us his precious Holy Spirit, and, with his help, we can do anything!


This scripture in John describes our connection with God. He is our source and we can do nothing apart from him. Our number-one priority must be to stay connected to Jesus. In every challenge, obstacle or conflict “he will keep us in perfect peace when our mind is focused on him and we trust in Him.” Isaiah 26:3 If life has gotten out of hand, if the path you are on is not where you should be, begin by taking time to refocus and recalculate where you should be - in the presence of Jesus. Start with confession and repentance for not keeping God first in your life. Then take the first step to reconnect to the true navigator of all life. Jesus is the only way and has promised abundant life if we always choose him first! “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33


Heavenly Father, thank you for always being available to us. Jesus, you are “the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through you.” John 14:6 Amen Try our new YouTube Channel for your favorite Pathway Church Worship songs to add a musical component to your daily time with God. Subscribe here -