Nairobi Flood Relief


Our global outreach partner, Missions of Hope International (MoHI), located in the Mathare Valley of Nairobi Kenya, recently endured a devastating natural disaster.  A catastrophic flood ripped through their community, leaving destruction in its wake—homes have been destroyed, and lives have been tragically lost. The impact of this flood has been immense.20240426-KENAIMAB-FloodsAftermath005.JPG

Families have been displaced, possessions have been swept away, and the community is facing unimaginable hardships as they work to recover. Our MoHI Partners also lost some property and equipment that was destroyed in the floods. 

Tragically, one of the students attending the school lost his life. His name is Alvin and he was a 3rd or 4th grader. Please be praying for his family. 


Thanks to your support and generous giving, we have been able to send vital financial aid to our global partners. 

This aid will help provide immediate relief, including shelter, food, and medical supplies, to those who have been most severely affected by the flood. MoHI has been working to help students to replace school uniforms and other supplies. The organization is also distributing food baskets, mattresses, and blankets to families in need. Korogocho_Grogan_Flood_001.jpg

These items are a huge help to families who are working to replace possessions lost in the flood. The distribution events also provided an opportunity for evangelism and outreach. Families were encouraged and prayed for during this difficult time. The distribution events also provided an opportunity for evangelism and outreach. Families were encouraged and prayed for during this difficult time.

The story doesn't end there, Pathway will be putting boots on the ground. Our Kenya Team was already scheduled to go to Nairobi to serve with Missions of Hope in June. They will have an opportunity to serve those affected.


We are deeply thankful for your compassion and willingness to give to Pathway.

Your contributions are making a significant difference!

 It brings hope and healing to a community in crisis. It is in moments like these that we truly embody the spirit of Christ's love, reaching out to support and uplift one another.

Our friends at MoHI would greatly appreciate your prayers for:

  • The protection of the students, their families, the staff, and the community they serve from any disease outbreaks that may occur due to the floods.
  • Pray for God to continue to provide MOHI opportunities to minister to the affected families.
  • Give thanks to God for the support received during this challenging time.