Trusting God with Our Resources


Heavenly Father, as we reflect on trusting You with our resources, help us to surrender our fears and embrace Your provision. May we find joy in giving and serving. Amen.

READ: Luke 6:38

"Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."

Luke 6:38


In the message, Pastor Carter speaks candidly about the struggle of loving money and the security it brings. Luke 6:38 challenges us to trust in God's economy, where generosity leads to abundance. Jesus' teaching here is not a prosperity promise but an invitation to experience the fullness of life that comes from giving.

The act of giving, especially sacrificially, can feel like losing something valuable. Yet, as Todd shared, it is in this act of surrender that we find true life. The fear of not having enough is replaced by the joy of seeing God provide in unexpected ways. This principle is echoed throughout Scripture, where God honors those who give with a cheerful heart.

For us, this means re-evaluating our relationship with money and possessions. Are we holding onto them as our source of security, or are we willing to release them for God's purposes? The call is to trust that as we give, God will meet our needs and use our resources to bless others.


I will pray about my commitment to All Things New.


Father, thank You for the opportunity to trust You with our resources. Help us to give generously and joyfully, knowing that You are our provider. May our lives reflect Your love and grace to those around us. Amen.