
We are designed to be around others!

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Session Schedule

  • Winter Session - January 5 to March 15 (current session)
  • Spring Session - March 23 to May 31
  • Fall Session - September 1 to November 30

Focus Groups
Focus groups are centered around what people want to learn and how they want to grow. You can dive deeper into the weekend series or learn more about the Bible. From basic life topics to Church 101 these groups are about where you want to go.

Support Groups
Life can hit hard! If you are going through something difficult, you don’t have to do it alone. Support groups are built to get people in your corner and help you heal and grow.

Interest Groups
Enjoy golfing? Cooking? Biking? Video games? Are you looking to connect? These groups bring people together to have fun, create new friendships and walk alongside one another in life.

Spiritual Discovery Group Training
A community of believers who are training for leading a Bible study group outside the church walls in workplaces, schools, community centers, neighborhoods. This 6 week training will equip you to lead a group like this. Your community needs you! Click below to find out more!
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          Every 2 weeks: Thursdays
          6:30 PM

          30's - 50's Singles Group

          Valley Center

          Join us as we connect with Jesus and grow in our faith while having fun and making friends. We will meet every other week in Valley Center! We will be studying Love Is by Bianca Juarez Olthoff and lean into growing in our faith while figuring out how to navigate singleness, dating, love, and more. Childcare is not provided.

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          The 3rd Tuesday of every month
          7:00 PM

          Acoustic Music Group


          A Christ-based group that meets once a month where vocalists, musicians, and music enthusiasts can get together, share, learn, grow, and, of course, play music together. All skill levels are welcome. Songs are selected by the group. People bring mandolins, bass, percussion, keyboards, and guitars. Everyone who wants to sing does. We welcome other instruments of course. Instruments that are electric substitutes for acoustic instruments and need low-volume sound reinforcement (such as electric bass, and keyboards) are also welcome. Music is shared on a Spotify Playlist and Google Drive.

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          3rd Tuesday
          Every Other Month

          Active Adult Events


          Active Adult Events. Third Tuesday, Odd Month. The January Game Day was canceled due to weather. March 18, 10:30 AM Visit B29 Doc at Eisenhower National Airport ($10) then lunch at Hanger One ($18) buffet) RSVP and contact Debbie Williams (316) 651-3373

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          Weekly: Wednesdays
          6:30 PM

          All Things New Large Group


          Meeting Wednesday evenings, 6:30-8:00 pm starting Wednesday, October 16th at the Goddard Campus.

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          6:45 AM

          Chosen Season 4


          Widows and Widowers are also welcome in our group, which meets at homes for the Winter Session, we are continuing the fourth Season of Chosen, followed by discussion.

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          6:30 PM

          Discovering the Bible together around family & work pressures.


          A women's group in the Goddard area that's looking to build relationships and grow the Kingdom of God together. Meet every other Tuesday. Rotate homes. Childcare is not provided.

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          6:30 PM

          Weekly Message


          We are a group of young married couples, some with kids and some not. We would love to have other families join us as we study scripture, build one another up, and glorify the Lord. We're super fun people to be around, so join our group! We're excited to see what God has planned for us! Childcare: On your own Location: Group member houses or Westlink Campus Basement

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          Every 2 weeks: Thursdays
          7:00 PM

          1st, 2nd, and 3rd John


          We are a group of men who meet every other Thursday to discuss all things related to our faith and lives as followers of Jesus. We believe that life is better when we do it together and when we serve others, and when friendships are built that extend beyond group time.

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          5:00 PM

          Weekly Message


          We are a group of men from all different walks of life who encourage and support each other in life and our spiritual journeys. We dig into the Bible and challenge each other to take steps in faith and apply God's Word to our lives. We would love to have you join us! No childcare. Location: Room A108, Westlink Campus

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          6:30 PM

          Gospel of Matthew


          This is a great group for married couples, singles, or people who plan to attend without their spouses. This group is also open to all ages and we plan to be an eclectic group that has a strong emphasis on discipleship. No matter where you are in your faith, we are excited for you to join us as we make connections and do life together. Our small group is currently working through the gospel of Matthew. Childcare: Members are on their own Area: NW Wichita - we live near Tyler and Maple

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          6:30 PM

          Weekly Message


          We are a group made up mostly of couples around retirement age. We enjoy studying a variety of topics and books, and occasionally follow the weekend message series. We are looking to grow spiritually and impact our community together. We also enjoy getting together for socials. We'd love to have you come try out our group! Meeting Location: Rotate through our homes

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          9:05 AM

          The Chosen series, Book of Revelation


          We are a Sunday morning group of married couples about 35-45 age group that meets on-site at the Westlink Campus. We are so excited to have you come join us! Kids can be dropped off at the Sunday morning services for children at the campus and then we start around 9:05am. Meeting in room B014, we dig into the Bible and interchange with video discussion life group studies.

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          6:00 PM

          Gospel of Mark


          We like discussing what it means to do life as a Christian: one who decides to follow Christ's leading for their life. Investing our lives with one another, we dig deeply into God's Word for life direction. As a group of both couples and singles we meet weekly in private homes in west Wichita. Come join us! All ages are welcome. Members should find childcare on their own if needed.

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          7:00 PM

          Gospel of Luke


          We are real! We are easy going! We want to look more like Jesus so we keep asking Him to make us better. We pray for one another and for those who need to be lifted up. We take turns hosting our meetings (we meet on the 1st & 3rd weeks) and we like to eat so we always have goodies. We feel blessed so we feel compelled to give back. We participate in several volunteer projects throughout the year. We like to have pool parties in the summer and pizza parties in the winter. Try us out! Ages: 40's - 60's

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          6:30 PM

          Book of Acts


          We are a couples group, and many of us are empty-nesters. We meet every other week and like to do various serving projects when we can. We are currently doing a video series study on the book of Acts. We'd love to have you join us!

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          10:00 AM

          DivorceCare - 13 Week Session


          This group is for anyone who is experiencing the pain of separation or divorce. The group is a 13 week session study lead by individuals who have been through divorce and empathize with you and the many emotions, feelings, and thoughts that occur along the way. Join us as we seek to find healing, hope, and joy in the midst of the roller coaster that is divorce. Each week will consist of a video and group discussion. You will receive a workbook to take notes during the class and for additional study on your own. The cost of the workbook is $20. This group will meet at Pathway Church Goddard.

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          10:00 AM



          This group is for anyone who is experiencing the pain of separation or divorce. The group is in the middle of a 13-week session study lead by individuals who have been through divorce and empathize with you and the many emotions, feelings, and thoughts that occur along the way. Join us as we seek to find healing, hope, and joy in the roller coaster that is divorce. Each week will consist of a video and group discussion. You will receive a workbook to take notes during the class and for additional study on your own. Location - Pathway Church, 2001 N. Maize Rd., Room B-016 Dates -  Sundays, January 29 - May 4 Time - 10-11:30 am Cost - one time $20 registration fee Child Care - kids 5th grade and younger are invited to participate in Pathways children's ministry Who? - Anyone struggling with the pain of separation or divorce Register -

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          6:30 PM

          The Book of Mark

          Valley Center

          Come and join us! We meet at a house near Valley Center with kids of all ages. We are focused on meeting people where they are at in their faith and helping everyone take steps together. We aim to build good friends while impacting others.

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          9:00 AM

          Book of Romans


          We are currently a group made up of couples with adult children, but anyone is welcome to join us. We enjoy studying a variety of topics together, usually through video series chosen from Right Now Media. We challenge each other to grow spiritually and support each other through prayer and encouragement. We also enjoy getting together outside our normal meeting time to grow our friendships. We'd love to have you come try out our group! Childcare: church provided for elementary age and younger Meeting Location: B018 in the basement.

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          6:30 PM

          Jesus' Farewell Message (by Francis Chan) - A study of John 13-17


          We're a group of women ranging in age between 40-50+ years who desire to grow in our faith and build community with other women through studying God's word, serving others, and of course... having fun! We meet every other Monday just south of Goddard. Don't hesitate to reach out if you're interested in visiting our group. We would love to have you! (no childcare provided)

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          7:00 PM

          Angels: Who They Are and How They Help by Dr. David Jeremiah


          We are a group that is dedicated to learning about Jesus Christ and serving His people. We have a heart for community and each other and share in life’s victories and life’s struggles. We laugh together, cry together, and pray together. We rotate who hosts the group each week! Many of us are empty-nesters or grandparents but everyone is welcome, we would love to have you join us!

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          6:15 PM



          A new Group began Tuesday January 14th, 6:15-8 PM. No matter what the circumstances, grief recovery is a painful process. GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life's most difficult experiences. You don't have to go through the grieving process alone. There is a small fee to attend ($20) to cover our expenses. Reach out to if you have questions. We meet at the Westlink Campus in the basement room B002.

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          7:00 PM

          The Overcomers- a 8 week bible study on the book of Revelation


          We are a group of married and singles from all walks of life. We meet weekly rotating from host homes. We meet on Wednesday from 7 to 9 pm. No childcare. Our studies are primarily from video, books or online provided pastoral lead sermon series. Our hearts are for learning and spreading the word of God, mentoring and loving one another as Christ loves us. We would love to have you join us.

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          6:00 PM

          Book of Luke


          Our group meets every other week at Pathway Westlink. Most of us are grandparents and empty-nesters. We are an “easygoing” group. Everyone is welcome to come when they can. We enjoy topical studies and our members cherish the idea of having a prayer support group. We meet every other Monday at 6:00 pm. Members should find childcare on their own if needed.

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          2:00 PM

          The Faithful

          Valley Center

          Come share, care and grow in your faith as we the study The Faithful: Heroes of the Old Testament at VC Pathway Activity Center (320 S Meridian Ave). We make friends, have fun, support each other, and grow in our faith!

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          6:30 PM

          The Crazy Cycle


          We are couples from various seasons of life. In the fall, we’ll be starting a 4-week marriage study called Crazy Cycle. We also enjoy fellowship and eating good food together! Goal is to meet at the church to help create more time for adults to connect as many have children in Club 412 or Middle School Ignite. Childcare: Children are welcome and typically come and play in the basement or the backyard. Bigger kids help watch the littles.

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          5:30 PM

          Weekly Message


          We are a group of families who encourage each other. We talk thru what we learned that week from the weekend message and find things we can grow in. We are a group of families and the kids hang out in the basement during group. Location: West Wichita

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          6:00 AM

          Men - Book by Book through the Bible


          We're a group of men that meet at Riverside Cafe every Friday morning. We love spending time in Scripture and catching up with each other, we'd love to have you as part of the group.

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          7:00 PM

          Book of 1 Peter


          Our men's group welcomes you, no matter if you are new to faith in Christ, or if you have been following Him since you were a child. Our current focus is weekly discussion of the Bible, it's message about our Lord, and application in our lives to be more Christ-like by our interactions with family, friends, and our communities. Location: Westlink Campus. Childcare: On your own.

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          6:30 PM

          Book of Daniel, study by Amir Tsarfati


          Our new winter session study is "Luke in the Land" by Kristi McClelland beginning January 14th. 6:30-8:30 PM, Westlink Campus, Lower Level Room B003. New women are welcome.

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          6:30 PM

          One Thousand Gifts, Ann Voskamp


          Our New Spring Session begins Tuesday, March 11th, 6:30 PM, in the Family Room off the East Atrium. "One Thousand Gifts," by Ann Voskamp is a five-session video study that will dare us to Live Fully, right where we are. We'll be challenged to open our eyes to the ordinary, amazing grace, regardless of our circumstances. We are a women's group ages 32-72 that celebrates and supports each other through the good times and hardships of being Christ Followers in a broken world. If you are new to Pathway Church or your Christian faith, this is the group for you!

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          9:00 AM

          Women of the Bible


          We are women from all walks of life: married, divorced, widowed, young, mature and everything in between. We love to study and discuss the Word of God using amazing Bible Studies to guide us into a deeper understanding of God. We enjoy meeting at Panera for breakfast between studies. We are a caring group and pray regularly for each other and the world. Throughout the year, we have opportunities for community service & outreach. Join us in room B016 in the basement of the Westlink Campus on Sunday mornings. We occasionally move to room B-009 when another group is using B-016. Childcare: Offered at church, 9:00 service time

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          6:00 PM

          "Get Your Life Back” by John Eldredge


          We love doing life together and digging in to God's word! We often get together for social nights and girl/guy nights out. Our group is constantly seeking opportunities to show God’s love through both service or monetary donations. One of the most important things to our group is vulnerability when we have group discussions. Childcare: Members on their own, if needed

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          6:30 PM

          Book of Jude


          We're a group of ladies of all ages. We like to study a book or a topic from the Bible each week so we can learn and grow together. If you're looking to grow in your faith, we would love for you to join us on Tuesday nights at the Westlink campus!

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          3:30 PM


          A women's group that meets in Mount Hope every other Sunday at 3:30pm.

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          Parenting - Online

          Valley Center

          Do you ever wonder if you are getting "it" right as a parent?! I think we are all searching for ways to continue to grow as a person and as a parent as we strive to raise our kids to thrive in life. This will be an online group (Facebook mainly) that brings a community of parents together as we gain wisdom and encourage each other. This group aims to be flexible and work in your busy life schedule. There will be times we have online events and in person events, but you can engage and grow without the need to attend those. The book Parenting: Getting "it" Right will guide us as we begin the group. Invite your friends to join as well!

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          6:30 PM

          Moments of Peace for Moms


          Mothers of children trying to raise their family and achieve a healthy balance of life and a spiritual relationship with Christ and want accountability in their journey. Children are welcome and can play together while meeting. We'd love to have you!

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          6:30 PM

          Video Series


          Our group has really enjoyed doing service projects together. Most of the couples in our group currently have children in middle school, high school and/or college. A few times a year, the women and men meet separately for social activities. We are doing life together and enjoy it - come join us! Ages: 40's-50's Childcare: Members on their own, if needed

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          6:30 PM

          Truth Collective - Created to Dream

          Valley Center

          We are women of all life stages collectively working together toward the common goal of TRUTH which is consistent with the mind, will, character, glory, and being of God. We just ask that you be yourself, be real, wear your comfies to group, and pray for each other. No childcare on site. We meet on Thursdays every other week at 6:30pm in Valley Center. We are studying "Created to Dream: The 6 Phases God Uses to Grow Your Faith" by Rick Warren.

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          7:00 PM

          Rooted - Connect with God, your church, and your purpose

          Valley Center

          Whether you are figuring out your faith or you have never been stronger in your faith, we would love for you to join us! We are just a regular group of men (all life stages) looking to build good friends and to be more like Jesus. Our meeting rhythm mixes in party nights, bible nights, and serve nights. We meet weekly on Mondays at the Valley Center Campus Activity Center. Reach out with questions! No childcare. We will be studying Rooted. During this journey we will dive into a deeper connection with God, purpose, and the Church. Experience the joy of following Jesus and build strong connections within the church community.

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          6:30 PM

          Singles Living Their Best Lives!


          We are young-mid age adults looking to grow our relationship with Jesus in pursuit of becoming our best selves. We will follow biblical guidance in accomplishing our goals and chasing our dreams! Our group participates in various discussions, community service and fun nights! The group will be meeting on the west side of Wichita. Childcare will not be provided.

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          10:30 AM

          Gospel of John


          Join us on Sunday mornings at the church for an in-depth bible study. You can attend the 9:00am service and then join our group at 10:30am. We usually focus on a book of the Bible. Study and discussion are encouraged.

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          6:30 PM

          The Beatitudes. Video series by Matt Chandler


          The Beatitudes is a seven-session study that we will be taking on for 1st and 3rd Fridays of the month. We meet every other week for Bible study and enjoy getting together other times for dinners, outings, and serving opportunities. We're mainly empty-nesters or retired. We’d love for you to join us! Group rotates homes. Childcare: Members on their own, if needed.

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          6:30 PM

          The book of Jonah


          A Home Team in Lake Waltanna on Thursday's for adults of all ages. We value doing life together while serving our community. We would love to have you come check us out!

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          6:30 PM

          Book of Psalms


          Are you a single looking for a place to connect? We are the place for you! We are singles ages 40 and over. We are an established bible fellowship but are always accepting new members. We have a mixture of 50/50 men and women. Our focus of study are books of the bible, word studies and topics relating to the Christian walk. We meet every Monday in west Wichita from 6:30-8:00pm. We would love to have you!

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          Every 2 weeks: Thursdays
          7:00 PM

          Apologetics - Defending our Faith


          We are an all mens group primarily consisting of mid to late 30s with young families. We meet every other Thursday and are open to men at various stages of their spiritual journey.

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          9:30 AM

          Book of Luke


          A mid-week group for those 65 & older

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          6:45 PM

          A Living Hope in Christ - 1 Peter Study by Jen Wilkin


          We are a group of ladies mostly middle age or older but all are welcome! We like to serve together and have helped with various local opportunities including projects for Youth for Christ, Wichita schools, and many others. We have regular Bible Study, but also go out to eat several times a year together between these studies. The most important thing is that we have a “potluck” every Tuesday night when we meet. You’ll love it - come join us! Childcare: Members on their own, if needed

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          6:30 AM

          Books of 1 & 2 Corinthians / Spiritual Gifts


          Group of men meeting for prayer and discussion of Scripture before heading off to work. Typically meet from 6:30 am til 7:30 am or so. We meet in the Family Viewing room just inside the front doors of Pathway - Westlink. We will be digging into 1st & 2nd Corinthians during 2024 along with a study of spiritual gifts.

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          6:30 PM

          2nd Thessalonians: Discover how to stay the course in a restless, impatient world.

          Valley Center

          We're committed to growing relationships with one another as well as continually learning how to care for one another spiritually. We meet to study at Valley Center Campus Activity Center (320 S Meridian Ave) on the 1st & 3rd Tuesday each month. We also meet outside these times for fellowship and serving others.

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          5:30 PM

          The book of Romans


          This session we will be digging into the book of Romans using a Right Now Media lesson plan. Our group consists of men, women and couples from all stages of life. We meet in Cheney every Wednesday evening at 5:30pm. Childcare is not available.

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          1:00 AM

          Ten Women of the Bible by Max Lucado


          Come and join us! Our age range is from 50 to 80+ . We enjoy studying God’s word, praying and fellowshipping with each other.

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          7:00 PM

          Mom Community


          We invite mamas at all stages to join us for our Mom Community! We desire to create an authentic community of moms willing to do life together and walk alongside each other. We are a group wanting to encourage women to Thrive through connecting, encouraging and celebrating women and motherhood. Our mission is to empower mothers of all ages and backgrounds to flourish spiritually, emotionally, and relationally. We strive to cultivate a community where mothers are supported, inspired, and equipped to discover their unique purpose, grow in faith, foster meaningful connections and make a positive impact on their families and beyond. Through our group, we aim to provide a safe place for sharing experiences, encouraging spiritual growth and fostering community. Through enriching discussions, fellowship and a nurturing environment we hope to enable moms to THRIVE in every aspect of their lives. We will meet on Monday nights weekly at Pathway Church Westlink downstairs in B003 beginning January 13th. If you need help children for Birth-5th grade so you can attend, please let us know. We will do our best to accomodate and we are asking moms to take turns serving each other in this way .

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          6:30 PM

          Christian Civics


          Our US constitution was shaped by a God-oriented worldview. It was based on biblical principles. It’s also based on Common-Law which is totally Bible based. The tenets of Common-Law is: 1. God had to be honored and obeyed and 2. Kings had to honor and respect the people while the people agreed to be ruled by the king. How did our founders translated all these biblical principles? For instance, it says, “We the People… do ordain and establish (we, collectively, are supposed to be in charge, the principle of popular sovereignty). 3 branches of government (the principle of Separation of powers); severely limited by article 1, section 8. If God is behind our constitution, and He put us in charge, then what is our role? He gave a command to the leaders in Romans 13:4, to protect the innocent and enforce the rules. And He gave us the tools to accomplish it: grand jury and militia. They're written right into the constitution, but we have not been taught for the last 4 generations. What can we do? There’s a Christian organization with a website called Giving all the glory to Jesus Christ, they are trying to help citizens get organized to do our duties. Check it out or join us. New folks always welcome.

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          6:30 PM

          Sermon Discussion Guide


          We are a group of believers from all different walks of life who encourage and support each other in life and our spiritual journeys. Currently, our group is studying the weekend service discussion guide questions. We would love to have you join us at Pathway Goddard Campus Building during Middle School IGNITE. No childcare.

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          7:00 PM

          Young Adults


          We are a group of young adults walking through life together and encouraging one another. Each gathering we worship together, spend time in God's word, and discuss how we can apply it to our life. Most of us are between the ages of 22-30ish. We meet every other Monday (starting January 6th) in the Farm at the Westlink campus. No childcare. Come join us!

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          2:00 PM

          "Slaying the giants in your life” by David Jeremiah


          We are a group of seniors ie. couples & widows mostly retired who enjoy studying God's word, worshiping Him in song, praying for each other & just fellowshipping with one another. We meet in the glassed-in room next to the worship center @ the Westlink campus.

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          9:00 AM



          Hey there! Join our co-ed biking crew for a weekly ride through local parks and trails. Whether you're into gravel, road, or mountain biking, we're all about bringing together folks who love biking, the outdoors, and staying fit. All skill levels are welcome to pedal with us and soak up the joy of cycling in a laid-back vibe. Kids are totally cool to join as long as they can hang with the pack. Got any questions? Just give us a shout!

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          7:00 AM

          Fighting Shadows


          We're a group of guys that meet weekly to grow and get better together at following Jesus, be better husbands, dads and friends. We also meet to have lunch periodically through out the month to stay in community with each other. We are currently reading the book "Fighting Shadows, overcoming 7 lies that keep men from becoming fully alive". All are welcome!

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          Women in Motion


          This group of women meets together to exercise three times (Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday) a week here at the Westlink Campus at 9am. They pray for each other and keep in touch throughout the week as well to make sure that everyone is doing well! Anyone is welcome!

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          Group Finder