This group is for anyone who is experiencing the pain of separation or divorce. The group is in the middle of a 13-week session study lead by individuals who have been through divorce and empathize with you and the many emotions, feelings, and thoughts that occur along the way. Join us as we seek to find healing, hope, and joy in the roller coaster that is divorce. Each week will consist of a video and group discussion. You will receive a workbook to take notes during the class and for additional study on your own.
Location - Pathway Church, 2001 N. Maize Rd., Room B-016
Dates - Sunday, Aug. 11 to Nov 10
Time - 10-11:30 am
Cost - one time $20 registration fee
Child Care - kids 5th grade and younger are invited to participate in Pathways children's ministry
Who? - Anyone struggling with the pain of separation or divorce
Register - https://www.divorcecare.org/groups/236390
Sunday at 10:00 AM