Home Team Discussion Guide

How to Hit a Grand Slam Discussion Guide

Sex is for marriage.

• God created sex. Genesis 2:24

• Sex is designed for marriage. 1 Corinthians 6:12-20

• Sex is the ultimate personal connection between a husband and wife. 1 Corinthians 6:12-20

SCRIPTURE: 1 Corinthians 6:12-20

1. What is your go-to late night snack?

2. What is your favorite baseball story as a spectator or a player?


1. How would you put this verse in your own words? How would you describe God’s purpose here? Genesis 2:24

2. What is Paul saying about freedom and rights as it relates to our sexuality? 1 Corinthians 6:12-14

3. What is Paul saying about prostitution? What does that have to do with marriage? 1 Corinthians 6:15-17

4. What is the distinction of sexual sin that Paul explains? How does he say we should deal with it? 1 Corinthians 6:18-20


1. Contrast the difference between God’s design for sex in marriage with what we see and experience in our own culture. How have you dealt with this in your relationships? With your children?

2. What was your biggest misconception about sex growing up?

3. What has been a struggle or temptation for you in this area of sexual immorality? How have you dealt with this and what could you do as you move forward?

4. What boundaries do you need to establish to stay inside the batter’s box? With whom could you share?

5. Is there someone who’s forgiveness you need to seek or to give? How can you help someone in your sphere of influence who has experienced some type of sexual immorality?



Take time to read and meditate on Psalm 51 as David laments his own sin of immorality. What can you learn from this text and how can you experience forgiveness as you read the words that David writes?

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