Home Team Discussion Guide

Living Like Never Before Discussion Guide

God is the owner of everything and desires me to manage His resources well.

• Everything is God’s including our finances.

• God wants us to be good managers of the resources He has given us.

• God calls us to be obedient; this means being obedient with our finances too.

SCRIPTURE: Matthew 25:14-30

1. If you were at a service this weekend, how did it feel receiving some of Pastor Carter’s money?

2. Share something you are willing to spend money on that someone else may not.


1. Parables are stories Jesus used to teach truth about God and how He works. Who is God and who are we in this story? What do the bags of money represent? Matthew 25:14-18

2. Why were the servants given different amounts of money. What does this reveal about them? What does it reveal about the master? Matthew 25:14-18

3. How were the attitudes of the faithful servants toward their master different from the wicked servant? How did it affect how they managed the master’s resources? Matthew 25:19-30

4. What was the reward for the two faithful servants? What does it look like to “share the master’s happiness”? Matthew 25:28-30


1. Is it hard for you to see your money as God’s money? Why or why not?

2. Share a time that was financially challenging for you. Was there something God taught you through that?

3. If someone could see your bank statement and how you use your money, what would they think is important to you?

4. When was a time your obedience to God affected a financial decision you had to make?

5. How can we help each other remember this week that all we have belongs to God?



Watch this video from Ramsey+ and take advantage of financial resources for yourself with Ramsey+

Note: You will need to activate your free account with Ramsey+ through Pathway Church before being able to see the video.

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