Home Team Discussion Guide

Living and Giving With Forever in Mind Discussion Guide

Followers of Jesus are called to live and give their resources with eternity in mind.

• God is the owner of everything so everything I have belongs to Him.

• Our selfishness can keep us from seeing the needs of those around us or make us ignore our mortality.

• God desires that we live and give with an eternal mindset.

SCRIPTURE: Luke 16:19-25

1. What’s something you’ve given or received before that had a lasting impact?

2. Were you surprised by the return received from the Trust Project for Agape International Missions (AIM)?


1. What kind of thoughts do you think the rich man had when he saw Lazarus on the street? Luke 16:19-21

2. What do the descriptions of the rich man and Lazarus tell us about the kind of lives they lived? Luke 16:19-21

3. Why do you think the rich man ended up in Hades and Lazarus with Abraham? Luke 16:22-23

4. Why do you think the rich man never thought of eternity? Do you think he considered his mortality? Luke 16:24-25


1. What does it look like to live life with eternity in mind? How is generosity a part of that?

2. What non-eternal things make it hard to have an eternal mindset with your money?

3. How have you seen giving at Pathway make an eternal impact?

4. What is God calling you to do with the “Trust Challenge” Pastor Carter gave this weekend? (Manage/save resources to save others, Give regularly at Pathway, or Irrational generosity)


Check out this video from Ramsey+ about having a clear vision for your money and the “why” when handling your finances. Take advantage of financial resources for yourself with Ramsey+ and Financial Peace University.

Note: You will need to activate your free account with Ramsey+ through Pathway Church before being able to see the video.

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