Home Team Discussion Guide

In God We Trust Discussion Guide

The heart of giving is found in faith, rooted in surrender.

• The issue isn’t having wealth but our attitude toward it.

• When God has been rich toward us, He desires us to be rich toward others.

• We can be generous because our security is in the person of Jesus.

SCRIPTURE: Luke 12:13-21

1. What’s the silliest argument you’ve had recently?

2. Is there something in your house you tend to hoard or accumulate a lot of?


1. How do you think Jesus felt being asked to settle a dispute between brothers? Why do you think He declines to help? Luke 12:13-15

2. Why does Jesus tell us to “watch out” and “be on your guard” against greed? What does that tell us about what it does to us? Luke 12:13-15

3. What was the man’s mistake in how he thought about and handled the wealth he had? Was it wrong for him to be wealthy? Luke 12:16-20

4. What does it mean to be “rich toward God” and what does that look like? Luke 12:21


1. What do you do when you have more money and resources than you expected?

2. Where are you most tempted to be greedy?

3. Jesus tells us to “watch out” and guard ourselves against greed. How does ongoing generosity help us do that? How else can we guard ourselves against greed?

4. How can our group keep us accountable in living to serve others instead of ourselves?


Check out this video from Ramsey+ about living and giving like no one else. Take advantage of financial resources for yourself with Ramsey+ and Financial Peace University.

Note: You will need to activate your free account with Ramsey+ through Pathway Church before being able to see the video.

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