Discussion Guide will be posted on Sunday at 3pm.
Acts 2:42-47, 32-37; Acts 5:1-10; Ephesians 4:14-16, 29
- What is a white lie that you have told? Why did you tell it?
- Share about a time when someone lied to you about something small or big. How did it make you feel?
- Read or summarize Acts 2:42-47 and Acts 4:32-37. Pastor Hutchison mentioned that Jesus liked to compare His relationships with the body of Christ to how a marriage should be and referenced these passages. How do we see unity in the scriptures? What does unity in a marriage look like?
- How do we see selflessness in those scriptures? What does selflessness in a marriage look like?
- Read or summarize Acts 5:1-5. How were they conspiring to look like something they were not?
- Read Ephesians 4:14-16. What benefits are there in speaking the truth in love (verse 15)?
- Read Ephesians 4:29. What filters should we have before we speak to others?
- In marriage/relationships, how do people conspire to look like something that they are not?
- What truths do people hold back in marriage/relationships that are damaging? How are they damaging?