Groups Discussion Guide

Can I Have the Assurance of Heaven? Discussion Guide

Heaven is a reality for those who have put their faith and trust in Jesus as God’s Son.

• Jesus is the way into Heaven.

• Old Testament prophecy reveals this and so much more about Jesus’ birth, life, death, and resurrection.

• Jesus assures us that those who listen to His voice will be saved.


Discussion Guide will be posted on Sunday at 3pm.


1. What was your favorite room in your house growing up and why?

2. What are some everyday recurring doubts that you tend to have?


1. What is the analogy about Heaven (God's Kingdom) that Jesus uses and who do the different players represent? John 10:1-10 NIV

2. Who is the audience that Jesus is speaking to in this text? How would you characterize this audience? Who would their counterpart be today? John 10:1-6 NIV

3. What does it mean when Jesus says He is the "gate"? John 10:7 NIV

4. What Old Testament prophecies stand out to you as reassuring about Jesus being who He said He was and about His purpose here on earth? Here are some references to get you thinking. Micah 5:2 NIV; Isaiah 9:1 NIV; Psalm 22:16 NIV; Isaiah 53:9-12 NIV; Psalm 16:10 NIV

5. How does Jesus characterize those who belong to Him? John 10:24-29 NIV


1. On a scale of 1-10, how assured are you of your own salvation? What verses from this study can help you have a stronger assurance?

2. When was a time that you doubted your salvation and how did you come through that?

3. If someone you knew was dying and they were struggling with whether or not they were saved, how would you help them? What might you share with them from God’s Word?

4. Spend some time praying for each other and encouraging each other in your journeys as Christ-followers.

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