Home Team Discussion Guide

Suit Up Discussion Guide

Taking the step of baptism.

• Followers of Jesus are to "put on Christ" by being baptized.

• Followers of Jesus are baptized to be obedient to His command.

• Followers of Jesus identify with the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus through baptism by immersion.

• Followers of Jesus go public when they are baptized. 

SCRIPTURE: Galatians 3:26-27 NIV; Matthew 28:19-20 NIV; Romans 6:3-4 NIV; Luke 3:21-23 NIV

1. What is your football status: player, fan, occasional observer, or oblivious outsider?

2. If you have been baptized, what is your story?


1. Paul describes a kind of unity through faith in Christ that takes away class distinction in the world. How does baptism fit into that sense of unity? Galatians 3:23-29 NIV

2. Matthew 28:19-20 NIV is often described as the Great Commission. Why do you think baptism is included? Write out the last words of Jesus to His disciples while he was on earth in your own words and explain to the group.

3. Describe the context of Paul’s words in Romans 6:1-7 NIV. What is the connection that our baptism has with Jesus? How does that connection challenge us to live a changed life?

4. What is the significance of Jesus’ own baptism? Luke 3:21-23


1. Which of the concepts about baptism have the most meaning for you and why: Jesus commanded us to be baptized; We identify with Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection in baptism; or Jesus set the example for our baptism.

2. If you haven't taken the step of baptism, what is holding you back?

3. If you have been baptized, you are now “suited up”. Where do you need to get in the game? Who do you need to share with about baptism, including your own story?

4. Spend some time in prayer as a group praying for each other in regard to baptism. We all have steps that God is calling us to take. Ask the Holy Spirit to direct each of you to your step.



Read through the book of Acts and write down the various times and circumstances where baptism takes place as the church grows and spreads the news of Jesus in the first century.  

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