Groups Discussion Guide

You've Got a Superpower Discussion Guide

How to hold Your tongue.

• God has hardwired the power of words into our world.

• The tongue has the power of life and death.

• Our words reflect the condition of our hearts.

SCRIPTURE: James 3:1-12

Discussion Guide will be posted on Sunday at 3pm.


1. What is your favorite joke?

2. What is the greatest compliment you have ever received?


1. How does God demonstrate the power of words? Genesis 1:3-5; Genesis 3:1

2. Describe the three analogies for the power of the tongue. Which one is the most powerful to you? James 3:3-5

3. Paraphrase in your own words the power of the tongue. James 3:6

4. How does Jesus describe the power of the tongue? Where does it come from? Matthew 12:34-37


1. How do you see the power of words demonstrated in our culture today; in the church?

2. What are some negative words/labels that have stuck with you over the years?

3. When have you seen God’s wisdom become real during a difficult time in your life?

4. Pastor Hutchison talked about how we need to “recognize, reject, and replace” the negative words and labels that have been spoken to us. What is a negative message in your life that you can replace with a promise from God’s Word?

5. Are there people that you need to make amends with for whom your tongue has spoken harshly into their lives? Will you commit to reconcile those words personally with someone and replace them with positive, live-giving words?


Read the Scriptures below and reflect on how they can help you overcome negative labels in your own life and in the lives of those around you:

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