Groups Discussion Guide

How To Respect Everyone Always Discussion Guide

God desires us to show love and respect to everyone.

• People usually judge others before they get to know them.

• God’s Word tells us not to show favoritism.

• We can love and respect others by seeing them the way God sees them.

SCRIPTURE: James 2:1-13

Discussion Guide will be posted on Sunday at 3pm.


1. What is your favorite 4th of July tradition?

2. Have you ever been mistaken for another person? If so, what was that like?


1. What does James mean when he says people show favoritism because of evil thoughts or motives? James 2:1-4

2. Why are we told not to value the rich over the poor? James 2:5-7

3. What’s the “royal law” that James mentions? Why does he compare favoritism to murder and adultery? James 2:8-11

4. Why does God desire mercy? James 2:12-13


1. Share a story about a time you misjudged someone.

2. Where are you most tempted to show favoritism in your life?

3. Is there someone you need to reconcile with because you didn’t show them mercy or treat them fairly? How can you do that in the next couple weeks?

4. How can your Home Team lift up people that are usually less favored by others?


Ready Matthew 9:9-13. What does Jesus’ treatment of Matthew teach us about the way God sees people versus the world?

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