Home Team Discussion Guide

Faith that Works Discussion Guide

Living faith always works.

• A dead faith can’t save us, we need a living faith.

• Movement and action is proof of a living faith.

• Living faith always works.

SCRIPTURE: James 2:14-26

1. What is your favorite line from any film?

2. Tell about a person you know that talks the talk and walks the walk.


1. What is the difference between a dead or living faith according to James? James 2:14-17

2. Why do you think James uses demons as an example in this passage? What is he trying to get us to understand? James 2:18-20

3. James says that Abraham’s faith was made complete by his actions. What are some other examples from Abraham’s life that showed his complete faith in God? James 2:21-24

4. How could Rahab be right with God even though she was a prostitute? What does this show us about faith and deeds? James 2:25-26


1. Share a time when someone in your life didn’t back up their words with action. How did that make you feel? What kind of effect did it have on you?

2. What happens when Jesus-followers don’t walk the walk? How have you seen this played out in our culture?

3. Is there a situation or a relationship in which God needs you to show living faith? How can God use you in that and how can your Home Team encourage you?

4. As a group, brainstorm something you can do together to serve your community. Put it on the calendar and commit to doing it.



As a group, look through Hebrews 11 and the examples of faith. What did the faith of these people lead them to do? Is there one that sticks out to you in this passage and why?

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