Home Team Discussion Guide

Dealing With Your Desires Discussion Guide

How to deal with your desires.

• Our desires that battle within us cause us to fight and quarrel with one another.

• Humility before God is key to helping us keep our desires in check.

• Being honest before God and surrendering in confession and repentance keeps us moving in the right direction.

SCRIPTURE: James 4:1-10 NLT

1. What do you like to eat for breakfast?

2. What is your favorite television sitcom and why?


1. How does James describe the reason(s) why we don’t get along well with one another? Give an example where you’ve seen this at play in a family, a church, a community. James 4:1-3 NLT

2. James creates a striking contrast of allegiance. How does he describe this contrast? James 4:4-5 NLT

3. What do humility and submission have to do with our desires? How would you paraphrase these verses in your own words? James 4:6-10 NLT

4. James says, “Come close to God and He will come close to you.” What does that mean? James 4:8 NLT


1. Years ago at a Promise Keeper Conference, a well-known marriage and family author said that often when we’re quarreling with someone, and we get angry, our anger is demonstrating “What a selfish pig we are!” It means we often get angry because we aren’t getting our way. Have you experienced that and how have you dealt with it?

2. What are some desires you have that can lead to arguments and disagreements with others?

3. Someone has said that following Jesus can be summed up with the word “surrender”. How does surrender play into dealing with your inner desires?

4. Pastor Hutchison closed his message leading up to a time of communion. Re-read James 4:6-10 NLT. How does communion help you to surrender and deal with your inner desires?



Using James 4:6-10 NLT, put together a communion meditation that reflects what James is teaching about and how communion plays into this teaching. Read Matthew 26:26-29 NLT for context on what communion is.  

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