Are You Ready? Part 3
Small Group Discussion Guide
Sermon Series Name: Are You Ready?
Sermon Title: How Can You Be Ready
Summary of the Message: In this final message of the "Are You Ready?" series, Pastor Carter explored the parable of the sheep and the goats from Matthew 25. The message emphasized the importance of being ready for Jesus' return by living out an authentic faith that manifests in serving "the least of these." The message challenged us to reflect on our readiness and to take actionable steps in serving those who are often forgotten or overlooked in our communities.
Ice Breaker Question: If you received an unexpected alert that you had only 38 minutes left, what would you prioritize doing, and why?
Review of Previous Week's "I Will" Statement: Reflect on last week's "I Will" statement. I WILL invest in my _______________ so that I’m ready for Jesus’ return. How did you fill in the blank? Did you take step to live that out this past week?
Discussion Questions:
- Reflect on Readiness:
- Question: What does being "ready" for Jesus' return mean to you personally?
- Context: The message highlighted the urgency of readiness, drawing from the unexpected alert in Hawaii.
- Application: How can you incorporate this sense of readiness into your daily life?
- Understanding the Parable:
- Question: How do you interpret the parable of the sheep and the goats in Matthew 25?
- Context: Jesus separates people based on their actions towards "the least of these."
- Application: In what ways can you identify and serve "the least of these" in your own community?
- Authentic Faith:
- Question: How does your faith manifest in actions, particularly towards those in need?
- Context: The message emphasized that authentic faith is demonstrated through service.
- Application: Share a recent experience where your faith led you to serve others.
- Overcoming Barriers:
- Question: What are some barriers that prevent you from serving the least and the forgotten?
- Context: The message acknowledged distractions and busyness as common obstacles.
- Application: What practical steps can you take to overcome these barriers?
- Community Impact:
- Question: How can our small group collectively make an impact in serving the least and the forgotten?
- Context: The message encouraged involvement in community initiatives like micro campuses and CarePortal.
- Application: What specific actions can we commit to as a group to serve our community?
This Week's "I Will" Statement: I will pray, give, or take a step towards serving the least and the forgotten in my community.
Prayer Prompts:
- Begin by asking for any specific prayer requests from the group.
- Pray for a heart that is open and ready to serve the least and the forgotten, asking God for guidance and opportunities.
- Pray for the courage and commitment to take immediate action in living out an authentic faith that reflects Jesus' love and compassion.
Rewatch the Message: