God’s Encouragement in Hard Times


Lord, help me to have your peace and comfort during tough times. Amen.

READ: Philippians 4:10-16 NIVColossians 4:7-8 NIV; Luke 22:41-44 NIV

Philippians 4:10-16 NIV  “I can do all this through him who gives me strength. Yet it was good of you to share in my troubles. Moreover, as you Philippians know, in the early days of your acquaintance with the gospel, when I set out from Macedonia, not one church shared with me in the matter of giving and receiving, except you only; for even when I was in Thessalonica, you sent me aid more than once when I was in need.”  Colossians 4:7-8 NIV  “Tychicus will tell you all the news about me. He is a dear brother, a faithful minister and fellow servant in the Lord. I am sending him to you for the express purpose that you may know about our circumstances and that he may encourage your hearts.  Luke 22:41-44 NIV  “He withdrew about a stone’s throw beyond them, knelt down and prayed, “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” An angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him. And being in anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground.”


Dr. Mark Moore, in his book Core 52, writes, “Sometimes life is tough.  In those moments, the Spirit sustains us.  He’ll never leave us alone.  He is closest to us when we’re closest to the heartbeat of the mission---announcing the good news of Jesus Christ.”   Moore’s quote demonstrates the application of our focus Scripture, Luke 22:41-44.  God does the same for us in our times of deepest sorrow or hardship.  Looking back over my life I can enumerate many times when The Holy Spirit was sent to guide me through difficult times.  Some of them were providing a comforting Scripture to sustain me when my wife had emergency surgery, giving me the words to speak as a eulogy for my brother, making known to our family a solution to my grandson’s seizures and many more.  God is always present when we need him, and you can depend on it!


Psalm 91 is my “go to” chapter when I am up against tough times.  I often pray it with my name inserted or the names of friends or family who are experiencing hardships or major illnesses. It has been a real comfort during the past year of the pandemic and sheltering in place. Take time to read through it as you begin this new year, 2021.


“This I declare about you Lord: You alone are my refuge, my place of safety; you are my God, and I trust you” (Psalm 91:2 paraphrased). Amen.