God rejoices Over the One


Dear Jesus, develop in me a heart that celebrates when someone accepts you. Amen.

READ: Luke 15:7

“I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.” Luke 15:7


Think of the biggest thing your family celebrates. Maybe it’s Christmas, the 4th of July, Easter, or even at a Chiefs football game. We all have something that’s a big deal to us and we take celebrating it seriously.

In the same way, when one person turns from their sin and accepts Jesus as their Lord and Savior, heaven celebrates like no other party on earth!

When someone accepts Christ, Jesus doesn’t want you to say “I’ve seen that before, no big deal.” He wants you to get fired up! When we share the Gospel with someone and they choose to accept Jesus, that should get us fired up like nothing else!


Having a heart for “the one” is something Jesus wants to cultivate in you because there’s nothing else that deserves to be celebrated more than someone accepting Jesus as Savior. If we can get pumped up about a football game that won’t matter in a year or a holiday that will pass, then how much more should we celebrate someone who now has eternal life. When you see this happen get excited about it, throw the person a prodigal party where you celebrate this awesome decision of theirs.


Heavenly Father, help me have a heart for the one. Help me not grow weary seeing people accept you for the first time. Amen.


Luke 15:4-5