

Jesus, help me be open to what you have to teach me today.

READ: John 15:11

“I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.” John 15:11


The third Advent candle invites us to focus on the joy that was made possible by the birth of Jesus. Joy can seem kind of hard to come by this year, in the face of so much turmoil and trouble. So many have faced hardship and heartbreak in the last few years. ”Joyous” is not really how we would describe the general mood of the world around us.


The problem here lies again in how the world views joy and how we, as Christ followers, view it. Using the world’s definition, we simply think of happiness. Using Christ’s definition (and his words in John 15:11), we cling to him and his full and complete joy that all things work together for good.

As we wade through the unique difficulties that these years have presented, we have a plethora of opportunities to experience true and complete joy. As we focus on God’s promises for us and keep our hearts aligned with the things that cause us to truly rejoice and praise the One who has delivered us, we can also enjoy the way he sings over us, his creation and his beloved.


Jesus, help me see the difference between worldly happiness and the joy that you offer.


Philippians 4:6-7, Colossians 3:14-15