

God, help us be open to hearing from you this week.

READ: 2 Corinthians 13:14

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.


I am stubborn and prideful. Maybe you can relate. I struggle to let others do things for me. I wrestle with the voice inside my head that tells me I am a failure if I can’t accomplish the things I am working toward by myself. It is something that God has been working on in my heart a lot over recent years as I have matured in my relationship with Him and with others. I am constantly bombarded – not only with reminders that I can’t do it all on my own strength, but I am also met with reminders that I don’t have to. What a beautiful gift.

The Triune God – the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit – is our example of “doing life together” and working as a team toward the ultimate goal. As I see how Jesus came to earth to carry out his mission and paired his efforts with his Father’s and with the Spirit to make this eternal impact, I am stopped in my tracks that my ego would be so big as to think that I could do anything on my own. Thank God for that.


As we will see over the next few days, God sends us helpers every day and has created us to rely and lean on one another. He has good plans for his creation and those plans overlap. As we pray for His Kingdom to come, let us remember to mirror our own lives on just that – the Kingdom where the Triune God reigns in glory together.


Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – thank you for being our example of oneness. Remind us of your strength and mercy as we embark on today’s journey together.