Understanding the Source of Temptation


Heavenly Father, as we begin this devotional journey, open our hearts and minds to understand Your Word deeply. Guide us by Your Holy Spirit to recognize the sources of our temptations and to seek Your strength in overcoming them. Amen.

READ: James 1:13-14 (NIV)

"When tempted, no one should say, 'God is tempting me.' For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed."


In Pastor Carter’s message this week, we learned that temptation does not come from God but from our own evil desires. James addresses a common misconception among early Christians who might have blamed God for their temptations. This passage clarifies that God, being holy and pure, cannot be associated with evil. Instead, temptation arises from within us, from our own sinful nature.

Understanding this is crucial because it shifts the responsibility from external factors to our internal state. It calls us to introspection and self-awareness. Todd’s story of his high school experience of skipping school serves as an example, showing how the desire for pleasure or self-gratification can cloud our judgment and steer us away from wise decisions.

Reflect on your own life. What desires or feelings of entitlement might be leading you into temptation? Recognizing these is the first step in overcoming them. The Bible teaches us that we are our own worst enemies when it comes to sin. By acknowledging this, we can begin to seek God's help in transforming our hearts and minds.


I will confess my sin to a trusted friend. Sharing this with someone who cares for you can help support you in prayer and be an encouragement to you.


Lord, thank You for revealing the true source of our temptations. Help us to recognize and confront our own sinful desires. Give us the strength to overcome them and to seek Your righteousness in all we do. Amen.