Respond to the Call

Respond to the Call

When we respond in faith to God’s call, He will take care of the details.That is what Brittany Harderson has been learning in the past few months. As she embarks on her first overseas serving trip to Haiti this month, she is reflecting on the journey God has taken her.

It started four years ago with a decision to truly devote her life to Christ. She was not brought up in the church but attended off and on during her young adult years. Following that decision, Brittany and her daughter, Emalyn, moved to Wichita from Burlington, Kansas and started attending Pathway Church at the invitation of her aunt. At Pathway, she found a church home that was the perfect fit for her and her daughter.

Soon after, she began working in Pathway’s preschool, Kidslink. Through her connections in the Kidslink program, Brittany found herself serving with Voice of the Martyrs in Oklahoma and her daughter,then 5, came along for the ride.

Brittany found great value in experiencing God through serving on that trip. When she returned home, she began attending a Bible study with Katie Salsbury. Katie is co-founder of Future Hope, a non-profit missions group that focuses specifcally on Haiti. As Brittany attended the Bible study and made a relationship with Katie, she continually heard God urging her to commit to joining Pathway’s upcoming trip to Haiti.

The biggest barrier to Brittany’s serving trip was the financial aspect. After all, she was new to Wichita and didn’t have a large circle of people to draw from interms of asking for financial support. Despite these fears, Brittany began asking for financial support. Within two weeks, her trip was fully funded. During this time, she also secured child care for Emalyn during the trip. God had swiftly, and effortlessly, eliminated the obstacles standing in Brittany’s way.

Brittany is excited that Future Hope is a highly sustainable missions organization. They work within communities in Haiti to equip people with a trade which allows them to earn a living. Brittany looks forward to forming long-term relationships with the people she meets in Haiti.

Through this experience and her time at Pathway Church, Brittany says she has learned what it means to live for others.

“When we realize it’s not about us but about God, who He is, and who He calls us to be, we must put asideour own lives to serve the world without limitations,” reflected Brittany. God will work within and through us in awesome ways if we’ll heed His call.