Presents Or Presence?

Is Christmas about “presents” or “presence? " We’re answering that question during our December weekend series, entitled “Christmas Presence.” As Peter reminds us in Acts 2:28, “You have shown me the way of life, and you will fill me with the joy of your presence.”

November 28/29: Presence of Hope
December 5/6: Presence of Joy
December 12/13: Presence of Light
December 19/20: Presence ofLove

Christmas is the very BEST time of year for you to invite people to come with you to church. Even though our culture continues to distract people from the true meaning of Christmas, people are still curious and open. Remember that God has made us with a natural emptiness inside that is only filled by the person of Jesus Christ.

As you receive this, take a moment to pray for 3-4 people and how you might take the opportunity to invite them. Use the Pathway Christmas Card (available at weekend services) along with some cookies or a gift card to invite your friends. Arrange your plans so that you can meet them or pick them up and bring them to a service during December.

In particular, Christmas Eve is a great time to bring someone to church. It’s the highest attended service of the year.

Christmas Eve Services at Westlink
December 23: 5:30, 7:00
December 24: 2:30, 4:00, 5:30, 7:00, 8:30

Christmas Eve Services at Goddard
December 24: 2:30, 4:00, 5:30

Christmas Eve Services at the Café
December 24: 4:00, 5:30

Let me remind you as well to make a special gift to Pathway Church this month, over and above your regular giving. When you give generously, the presence of Christ grows stronger in every way in this community and around the world.

Thanks again for being on the journey!
Todd Carter, Lead Pastor